The Tuesday Worship Group is a network of Friends who support each other in faithful living. All members of our group are in their "2nd 3rd" of life: we are between the ages of 25 and 60. Some of us worship together regularly, and others stay in touch more loosely. As we no longer meet on Tuesdays, we are currently in discernment about what our new name might be. Many of us met at the FGC Gathering. Because we are spread across the US, we often worship via zoom.
Like an extended family or a friend network, we call sometimes call one another and check in. We talk fairly regularly regularly about our spiritual lives. How is your practice?" "Are you living out your gifts?" "What are you doing to stay grounded?" We find that this kind of accountability is important. It helps us to walk crefully while we do good work.
Our commitment to one another is inspired by our mentors in the Quaker community. These include Anne Pomeroy, Marcelle Martin and Danelle Laflower. Marcelle's Faithfulness Groups were very key in forming our foundation.
We meet a 1-2 times a month for worship-sharing. We see these evenings as "a standing date with Spirit," which we can choose to attend or not, week to week. We are very flexible with one another, but we are not flimsy. We commit to bringing 100% of ourselves whenever we show up in the group. This means that we bring our emotions, our cares, our concerns, and our gifts, actively into the space.
Our group is very fluid. We are open to different practices, including poetry, silence, puppet shows, teambuilding, and crying during worship-sharing time. This fluidity helps us to support good work; it also keeps us nimble. Some of the initiatives of past / present attenders include:
Connect the Commons
This initiative promotes creative online tools for mutual aid and community building. It is spearheaded by Alice Grendon, and has been supported by a clearness committee held with members of the Tuesday Worship Group.
The Listening Project
Johanna Jackson and JT Dorr-Bremme work to reinvigorate Quaker roots by listening to the voices of young people. Members of the Tuesday Worship Group have offered spiritual grounding to this ministry.
An art installation by Cai Quirk, focusing on the natural beauty and spirituality of gender diversity. Transcendence is an act of restoryation -- creating new queer myths and stories where others have been suppressed, and lifting up connections between gender and the natural world.
Quaker Aspen
A network of Quakers who support spirituality, positive values at work, and vocations, this group is co-clerked by Nick Lyekin (formerly Nick Dosch). Members of the Tuesday Worship Group offer encouragement and brainstorming.