This recently published work was authored by four experienced Quaker elders and supplemented by vignettes from others who experienced Quaker eldering, either giving or receiving. It is a rich resource that challenges us to consider all the ways we can benefit from the gifts of eldership in our communities. We recommend this book to anyone with an interest in the subject. It is comprehensive and accessible, truly an invitation.
The book is available from multiple online sellers. We suggest Barclay Press, a publisher of books for Friends since 1959.
For further reading, we'd like to suggest Noah Merrill's pamphlet, "Prophets, Midwives, and Thieves: Reclaiming the Ministry of the Whole." His words are available online at
Noah shares deeply and clearly about Quaker heritage. He is also Secretary for New England Yearly Meeting, and a young person. The beauty of his pamphlet is that it shares about Quaker faith and practice in an accessible, lively way.
In this text, Noah reminds us that elders are like midwives, because they help something to be born. A birth will happen, with or without someone attending to is – but the birth will be much smoother with an elder nearby.
Over time, we will add to this with more resources that have been helpful to us personally.